One Hundred Selfish Shoppers | Teen Ink

One Hundred Selfish Shoppers

December 18, 2014
By 5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5gagan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the most determined spenders. I am the only one who gets a good night rest. One hundred selfish shoppers with one hundred dollars. One hundred stores with lots of sales and deals. One hundred cranky employee’s.
Their strength is just too over powering when there is so many of them in one small, tight area. They send all the workers into one small store to make sure that no one gets hurt. They shop until they drop, and when they drop they continue to shop. This is how they shop.
Let one person to mess the whole experience up, just that one person could severely hurt that one person, by pushing and shoving  and ruin it all. They shop.
When I am too excited to go shop, I wait and wait, then I fall asleep and miss it every year. I get too full from eating so much, a good’s night rest is the best after eating so much good food. One Hundred scary shoppers are everywhere this time of night. One hundred shoppers  go crazy, they act like animals being released from the zoo.

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