Light | Teen Ink


December 12, 2014
By J_Bean BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
J_Bean BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tired, hurting and hungry.
Left alone to fight a battle too big for one man.
Spending days with no feelings
Lost with no meaning
Memories break him down
eroding his already fragile heart.
Mistakes pile up until he drowns
Drowns in pain and regret.
No hope
No worth
No meaning
Lies swarm his mind
Darkness fills him and makes him blind.
Blind to the hope that he could find.
But darkness is weak
It can’t conquer light.
Light will fight
Even a little fills the room
Saving him from his doom
A hand reaching down
Hope is what he found
A new hope
A light in the midst of the darkness
A light that demands to be seen
A light that makes the dirty clean.
Hope with prevail
Light will win
Brokenness and wounds will mend.
Darkness seems strong
Takes away joy for so long
But darkness is weak
Light brings mystique
Brings hope
Light is power
and it will not be put out.

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