Thoughts | Teen Ink


December 31, 2014
By Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer

My thoughts are flying somehwere with the hummingbirds.

My mind is somewhere lost in the unknown.

While im sitting here feeling empty and alone.

I dont feel sad or happy

Im not breaking down in tears or laughing and smiling.

Im just here emotionless, feeling lost in a cruel paradise of my own.

Wondering why i always end up by myself

Just me and my thoughts

Just this emptiness and I

Too young to be this damaged

Too strong to be this frajile

Life is only but a struggle

Where's my purpose

and my reason

cause at this moment i dont see it.

The author's comments:

Life was inspiration

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