The Devil's Deal | Teen Ink

The Devil's Deal

January 9, 2015
By KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
KatKiller13 GOLD, Sweeny, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“why did i so passionately require the truth? because all great fiction is true”
― Kinky Friedman, Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned

There was nothing left, but to fall through fate.
And it’s not like I could sign the deal.
His grimacing ways that would scare me away.
The next time, he threw a metaphor into the air.
He told me there was no other way to feel.
The worst part of all, is that person that I may not keep from,

He hadn’t known where I’d come from.
I didn’t know he would state my fate.
The days and nights turned to hours, nothing they could feel.
Why there were times we couldn’t deal.
Our voices sprang through the air.
I should’ve yelled to go away.

He would stay anyway, he said he’s never to leave me away.
That there was nothing for me to stray from
His devilish ways. He gulped the air
As if it were a candied fate.
We tried to keep from calling Satan’s deal.
But the devil doesn’t care how you feel.

And there was no exception to change the way he felt.
He said, “Darling, I can throw you away.”
He said, “Lefties are the devil’s deal.”
There was nothing to hide from.

Lucifer loved the torture of our fate.
Our whimpers would only form air.

And the water gargled the air
As if to send a message with the worse type to feel
A time to swallow the fate,
Close the gate, slip away.
There are more things to hide from.
An excuse to reel away from what there is to deal.

And when we signed the deal,
I was the one to drown the air.
I had to be kept from
What he said he could feel.
But, I wouldn’t stay away.
“Stupid girl,” he said, “I am your fate.”

Stupid, indeed. A deal, as well. A fate, but why?
There is no air, the strays stayed away.
And that, my friend, is how he learned to fade from how to feel.

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