The Loss, and the Redemption | Teen Ink

The Loss, and the Redemption

January 13, 2015
By Ecsrui BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Ecsrui BRONZE, Beijing, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards

So far fade the old dream
Silently hovering the broken heart
Heaven is quite near
In the eyes who have lost too much
I want to beg God
“leave them with me”
I want to ask for one more chance
To touch and to hear
But I know I could not
What had gone could not get redeemed
I say this to you, my friends
Life is an irony
Too much contrast between dream and reality
Heaven is quite near
In the eyes who have lost too much
But we still should
Still believe in others
Though they may cheat on us
Still love with no hesitation
Though they may hurt us in the end
Cause life is too short
To be either happy or sad

The author's comments:

I wrote this after the death of my beloved grandparents. I believe writing poems itself was a condolence for those whose grief couldn't be understood by those indifferent and careless.

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