Not Anymore | Teen Ink

Not Anymore

January 13, 2015
By Katie Campbell BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
Katie Campbell BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's dark...the sun doesn't shine for me anymore

It's hallowed shape haunts me of a past I once knew
The jagged edges it left, rough with the scars of my past

No it will not ever shine again for me
My future is a cracked and broken path,
Full of holes and deception

Where the sun doesn't shine the spirit doesn't lie
Thus I must move on till I find where the sun doth lie.

The author's comments:

This is a poem I wrote this afternoon while I was pondering about my future. While I'm not sure right now what I should be doing, I know there is something out there for me, and I must keep searching until I discover my path.


It sounds quite dark and ominous to me now, I'm not too sure what it meant to me.
I'll let you interpret it for yourself.
Katie xoxo

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