Found Myself | Teen Ink

Found Myself

January 11, 2015
By Ridiculouslyme PLATINUM, Vancouver, Washington
Ridiculouslyme PLATINUM, Vancouver, Washington
48 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is full of people who make bad decisions but bad decisions don't make bad people.

I’m strung out, hanging by a thread.
Gold and silver strings, pulling at my heart.
Watching the breeze dance by
letting the music wrap me in
its sweet melody.
I cry
tears of broken silence.
Blood soaked flowers dancing on the waters.
Shredded and mangled,
Moonlit sparrows singing a tune of
solitude, inspired by the stars.
A galaxy far away
yet close enough to touch.
I fall into the reflection of that world.
And find myself


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