Winter | Teen Ink


January 16, 2015
By Kelbel. PLATINUM, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Kelbel. PLATINUM, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Poetry is the heart decoding messages for the brain from the soul through layer upon layer of flesh, blood and fear.

Chilly days with the comfort of warm sweaters,

An afternoon of playing in the snow

ending with some hot cocoa.

So why would they call winter the dead season?

Because all the birds fly south?

Other animals hibernate?

The trees are bare?

Winter is still a beautiful season,

But a different way of living.

In December, 

When you step outside,

Instead of noticing the bare tree branches,

Look at the glistening white snow.

Enjoy the small doses of sunshine.

And always keep cozy.

The author's comments:

I framed this and gave it to my grandma as a gift. She thought I got it from a that supposed to be good or bad?

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