Ocean vs City | Teen Ink

Ocean vs City

January 23, 2015
By maisieI SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
maisieI SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Travel soothingly like a calm wave.
Oh, ocean!
Where will the wave travel?

Adventure is a lively sun.
chatter calmly like a noisy street.
The dusty jackhammer calmly engulfs the corner newspaper stand.

The misty wind roughly fights the shore.
Who will win the skirmish?
The curious ocean or the rocky seaboard?

The dusty sidewalk fights the weeds.
Shrink calmly like a mediocre job.
Desolation is a rainy slum.

Spirited sea!
Will you immerse the busy city?
Or will the busy city immerse you?

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