Coffee | Teen Ink


January 29, 2015
By savgrace SILVER, Moline, Illinois
savgrace SILVER, Moline, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
No matter how perfect something is, it may not be right for you anymore.

YAWN, stretch, get out of bed
Wake Up, sleepyhead

Walk down the stairs,
Around the corner,
Into the den

A buzzing erupts from its slumber

Pop the K Cup into its shell
Press the big blue button
And watch as my mug fills with my happiness

The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills my nose
I close my eyes, lean my head back

I fill my cup up with the sweet taste
Hazelnut creamer

I wrap my hands around the mug, and smile
The warmth rolls down my throat
With a sweet aroma

Heaven in a mug

The author's comments:

I LOVE coffee! Total coffee-fanatic. Every morning, and everyday after school. My favorite is hazelnut creamer. I also love banana bread from 7-Eleven gas station, along with Salted Carmel Frappe from Starbucks. Yum!

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