Stars | Teen Ink


January 24, 2015
By YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world&quot;<br /> -Gandhi

Stars can not shine without darkness.
You were born to shine,
this is why i stay in the darkness,
the depths,
the evil,
the cruelty.

But this is for a cause...
so i am not the only one who can see your light,
your light is a gift to humanity,
it is selfish to deny that light to thy eye.
Yet i still question why there is few that can see.
Her light is the reason i keep the darkness in me.
If she may shine, i will shrink into the darkness that covers humanity.

Darkness is the not so nice part of humanity,
compared to a star's light.
Or a star's might.
One and a million a star maybe,
and i know that is not me,
i am eternally glad to have met,
and will never regret,
seeing the light inside she.

She is a star.
The brightest one i have ever known.
There is darkness in me, and the all i ever see.
Until one star shines and lights my day,
my mind does not sway from the darkness i have made.

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