I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

February 5, 2015
By kenz_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kenz_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from…green grass, smelly cleats
and soccer balls.
Parents carpooling, watching my games, and cheering me on.

I am from…Girl Scout camp, camp MacKenzie,
and summer dirt piles.
Song competitions, campfire stories, and adventuring with best-friend brothers.

I am from…camping trips, family holidays
and dinners on Sunday.
Bouncy balls thrown overboard, my uncles , and watermelon in our salad.

I am from…rollerblading, biking
and Heeles.
Skateland dice game, biking on the bugline, and hanging with my best friend Liv.

I am from…my grandpa’s cancer, my parents’ divorce
and my cousins who moved to Arizona.
Thinking back on boat rides and pet bunnies, moving to a new home, and 1,840 miles apart.

Yet, I am still from…green grass, smelly cleats
and soccer balls.
Parents carpooling, watching my games, and cheering me on.

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