Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 5, 2015
By Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have never failed, you have never pushed yourself hard enough

I am from playing golf with my dad,
collared t-shirt and dress pants,
with my Taylormade hat.

From watching the fireworks on the 4th of July,
flaming debris raining down,
and from my dad telling me “Here, hold my beer”.

I am from swimming in our deep blue pool,
launching water torpedos,
with my Taylormade hat.

From practicing hours on end,
gaining experience every day,
and from my dad telling me “You got something special inside of you”.

I am from catching minnows in the ditch,
tossing them back one after another,
with my Taylormade hat.

From sitting in front of a blazing fire.
While it is cold, and breezy outside,
and from my dad telling me ”You can be whatever you want”.

I am from playing in WJPGA tournaments,
leaving the house before the world awakens,
with my Taylormade hat.

From coming home disappointed from a golf round.
Only to be brightened when I arrive,
and from my dad telling me “Nobody is perfect”.

I am from sitting on the top of the Grand Canyon,
looking far as I sat,
with my Taylormade hat.

From riding donkeys down a scary path,
screaming at every corner,
and from my dad telling me ”Be careful on that a**”.

I am from coming home,
looking down at the welcome mat,
with my Taylormade hat.

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