Reckoner | Teen Ink


January 31, 2015
By blackwater23 GOLD, Weston, Connecticut
blackwater23 GOLD, Weston, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He sunk his green, sphere-shaped, fingers into melting wax beneath him
His body dragged sluggishly as he moved toward the rocket
The fire behind him fell on the trees that had once shined a beautiful orange
And as the tiny green planet burned, he stared at the four, solemn, oval shaped eyes
That pierced through the rocket’s single glass window
With antenna’s hanging high above their blue heads
They stared at the unfortunate green creature
That crawled legless up the hill to reach them
And as his swings into the wax grew more and more desperate,
There was a flash of yellow light
And as the rocket’s yellow radiance engulfed the mountain
The green-faced creature let out a soft wail.
They were inside. But he was on the outside 
They had departed. Yet he was forced to stay 
And they were together. He was still alone…

The author's comments:

Dedicated to Navo: the space alien I met when I was six. This is a poem about feeling alone, let down, and alienated. 

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