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January 31, 2015
By blackwater23 GOLD, Weston, Connecticut
blackwater23 GOLD, Weston, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The legs ache, the chest is hungry, and the eyes are swollen;
We see, through strands of matted hair, a dark festival in an unfamiliar world,
The reflections of the monsters ricochets off pink glass windows onto the grey box, “homeless”, clutched anxiously in the hands,
And finally into the eyes…

It burns…
These beasts snarl and growl,
With pink ribbons and plastic bags,
They are sadistic savages in the summer sun

Through the reflection, we see…
Colored boards screwed into their chests,
And through the reflection, we are able to read…

Pharmaceuticals, meat, terrorism, rehab, stem cell research, corporations, animal testing, bottled water, freedom, alcohol, immigration, assault weapons, prostitution, abortion, gay marriage, obesity, nuclear weapons, healthcare, religion, science, republicans, democrats, bloods, crips, divorce, education, drugs, the middle east, police, welfare, veterans, genocide, game shows, AIDS, news, music, global warming, family, pop culture, cancer, economy, human rights…money….

The seed has not yet hatched… what shall we paint it.

The author's comments:

A philosophical poem about a homeless man's paradoxical image of the external world. 

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