I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

February 6, 2015
By ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ValerieH SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from
a burning desire, longing to be Pocahontas.
I am from
kissing worms and capturing grasshoppers.
I am from
the Badlands in Wyoming; feeding into my phase of “cowgirl.”
I am from
the Serenity Prayer.
I am from
reminders and regret.
I am from
the black unknowingness.
I am from
recovery, chances, and patience.

I am from
Avi, Edward Tulane, and Junie B. Jones.
I am from
The Bee Gees, Brad Paisley, and Backstreet Boys.
I am from
Crayons, crafts, and colored pencils.

I am from
expulsion and rock bottom.
I am from
scheduled days that became one.
I am from
14 girls with their own stories.
I am from
lies, manipulation, and desire.

I am from
playing ghost in the graveyard with cousins.
I am from
catching cats in the barn after riding horses.
I am from
the comfort of my father’s arms.

I am from
varieties of places that make me who I am.
I am from
people supporting me through my best and worst.
I am from
I am from
I am from
“just for today.”

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this poem stem from events in my life.

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