Your Mind is a Wonder | Teen Ink

Your Mind is a Wonder

February 7, 2015
By windowpainss BRONZE, San Marcos, California
windowpainss BRONZE, San Marcos, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It's hard to imagine that so many people go unnoticed when inside them is a whole world teeming with thoughts of radiance and serenity. 

We all possess a world held within our minds where our secrets dwell in the shadows of our fears and our dreams romp around and play on the banks of our imagination. 

Our memories cascade down waterfalls into lakes of our past while our future exists beyond the place where the ocean kisses the sky. 

The Stars hold thoughts of the people we love and whisper softly to the moon where our hearts are laid to rest when the day is done.

When I look into your eyes, I catch a glimpse of a world untouched by the hands of time and I can’t help but wish I lived there.


For your mind is a wonder of my world and someday I hope you'll let me explore it.

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