Madness | Teen Ink


February 13, 2015
By Maia Coen BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
Maia Coen BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

There is a madness in the world.
One that no one can claim or explain.
A kind of madness that made people dream sweet dreams or deadly nightmares.
A madness so complex and magical it provoked thoughts in even the dullest of people.
Because when they saw it they couldn’t help but stop and stare.
And a funny thing happens when you stop moving for a while and just watch.
You see the dust on eyelashes and the light between leaves.
The air feels cleaner and you feel more alive.
People are endlessly moving, distracting themselves, hiding from the world. Because it’s broken.
And they don’t want to understand anymore.
So they turn away.
A madness so powerful and ignorant it makes them pause for a moment.
They open their eyes a little wider and see a little more. 
A plethora of opportunities right in front of them waiting, waiting to be experienced.
A madness so beautiful and eloquent that people don’t know it’s there until it explodes.
It waited patiently in the backs of their minds for them to wake up. To realize, to understand that they couldn’t live that way forever.
But people seldom come to accept this in their lives. They lay there in their dying days and suddenly notice that they married routine and threw their individuality in the trash the day they left school.
They’ll cry and they’ll mourn the loss of the life they could have lived and death will laugh in their face and claim them as his own.
A madness so bright that it is overlooked simply because it is too much for so many.
When they see it they don’t stop they run. They run and run and run and hope that wonderful madness never catches up to them.
But sometimes someone sees it out of the corner of their eye and they stop and stare.
And occasionally someone will run. Not away. No. they will run right at that amazing madness and let it fill their mind with wonder.
For so many, the madness is fear and uncertainty.
So they will hide and bury themselves in work and pretend it isn’t there in the back of their minds.
Even the people who don’t quite see it feel it. They know its lurking there.
They are just too scared to open their eyes.
I saw the madness.
I saw the hate, the love, the courage, and grace. I saw the pain and anger and fear on their faces. I saw the way people danced when they chose to forget for a while.  I saw the wonder and awe, the creativity and joy.  I saw the magic in life.
I saw the madness.
It was a madness so unimagined and breathtaking and silent that I couldn’t help but hear it screaming at me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 17 2015 at 2:13 am
Maia Coen BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
wow thank you

Pete64 SILVER said...
on Feb. 16 2015 at 12:34 pm
Pete64 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Awesome poem, I shivered from how true I found each line. Keep it up.