Think | Teen Ink


February 16, 2015
By LuvCookiees BRONZE, Moultire, Georgia
LuvCookiees BRONZE, Moultire, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Life is so confusing and its like one whole twisted dream. Going back and forth thinking will this day ever end. Just planning each and every relentless approach to achieve our goals. But for the time being our lives are growing old and plain dull. Every seven takes is just a poller express of a boring beganing. We live a life of freedom yet we're still controlled. We still have rules and laws to follow. Learning from the older gernation and their mistakes are simply nothing. For all the laws of the same routine we have no image to live for.

The author's comments:

We're always learning from parents mistakes but why not our own.

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