Love Is... | Teen Ink

Love Is...

February 15, 2015
By JMKRosesWithThorns BRONZE, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
JMKRosesWithThorns BRONZE, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love Is…
Love is watching her from across the room.
Love is gathering up a body-full of courage to exchange first words.
Love is thinking about her all night while trying to sleep.
Love is heart pounding whenever she says hello.
Love is their first time alone.
Love is a nervous first kiss.
Love is the impatience he feels when they say goodbye.
Love is a sudden jem on a band when he asks her.
Love is something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.
Love is their first kiss that is celebrated by all who see it.
Love is the pain she feels in her stomach.
Love is their tight grips and sweaty palms as they introduce a new soul into the world.
Love is arguing over the bills and throwing papers about the air.
Love is the emptiness in the house.
Love is the age that comes with spending eternity together.
Love is a kiss on the forehead as she fades away.
Love is life.

The author's comments:

When asked in my Creative Writing class to right about what love means, I immediately thought of the evolution of a couple and how their feelings, kisses, and love changes throughout their lives together.

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