A Song of Laughter | Teen Ink

A Song of Laughter

February 25, 2015
By IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The music is light,
Notes like laughter,
Songs to be sung forever.
Music is a language spoken by all.
When happy, songs are sung from the mountain tops.
That voice in song could leap up and fly,
Coming down only to take a breath and leap back up,
Enveloping itself in the fluffy white clouds within deep blue sky.
When sad the song's deep low beauty is dramatic and passionate.
The low passionate voices result in silence from listeners.
The song emotes pain deeper than the flesh.
When the song seems to be done and the pain is too deep,
Notes may not even be sung.
Then, like an angel, a sweet voice starts to sing.
It sings like laughter floating across the sky in a light tune.
The tempo quickens once again.
The song grows.
It spreads it's wings.
It leaps.
It sings.
It flies.

The author's comments:

I love Music so I wrote the poem about the emation that can be put into music. Singing liberateds me, makes me feel free. I really wanted to show that through this piece of poetry.

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