The Airport | Teen Ink

The Airport

March 9, 2015
By SarahGlomski BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
SarahGlomski BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For such important places,
They sure are overlooked
The places we're going,
The people we'll meet
That's what's on our minds;
Not the bustling place we are in,
Or the hustling people around us;
The terminals, gates, and endless gift shops
Surely should draw some attention,
But no;
All people want to do in the airport,
Is get out of it
Waiting in a cramped seat on the plane
Is strangely preferred
Over exploring the places around you,
And the details within them;
Why not live in the moment?
Not in the future,
And notice what's really there,
Right in front of us;
In other words,
Live life
One step
At a time

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