Life's meanings | Teen Ink

Life's meanings

March 12, 2015
By LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
as long as you believe in yourself and believe that God will help you get through anything you will succeed and have a great and happy life!!

Life is…… full  of meanings
Life is…… full of memories and laughter
But Life is……full of pain,tears, and heartbreaks
Life is…… full  of mistakes
But …… look back to the past
Don’t relive it, learn from it and start moving forward and living life
Life is……not about hiding or living in past
Life is…… about believing in something
Life is…… taking chances,being fearless
Life is…… finding a passion and pursuing it,traveling often,and making a difference in the world
Life is…… listening to your heart,falling in love,and forgiving easily
Life is…… following your dreams,creating your own happiness,and laughing everyday
Life is…… being good to yourself,being a good friend,and finding a prince charming
Life is…… moving on,finding the other half of your heart,and most importantly living happily ever after !!
Life is…… full of meanings,memories,and lessons
So….live life to the fullest and live happily ever after!!

The author's comments:

This piece came to me when when I was outside thinking about everything life had to offer. Also, just looking how there is so much to life we do not see these days. So then the words strted coming no not to my mind, but to my heart. And that is where and how I wrote Life's Meanings.

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