What is Life | Teen Ink

What is Life

March 12, 2015
By LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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as long as you believe in yourself and believe that God will help you get through anything you will succeed and have a great and happy life!!

Life is dreaming of your prince charming
                   Love is being able to laugh and smiling at first sight
                  Hope is being brave and praying for the right one
                 Courage is being strong through tears and pain
                Freedom is being able to live like there is no tomorrow                 
               Confidence is being  able to be yourself  and not caring what others say or think
              Living happily ever after is finding the other half of your heart
              Life is dreaming and letting your thoughts go

The author's comments:

I was bullied alot in life and was picked on. But I got sick and tired of it and took a stand for myself and I had always stood up for others but never myself. And since then I have learned that if you can be yourself and have confidience then you have life and you will be loved for who you are.

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