Goodbye Now | Teen Ink

Goodbye Now

March 14, 2015
By Tina Phu BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
Tina Phu BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a three year fight

October 23 is the day it took flight

Everything was good but talking became light

Day by day, week by week

A void was created and a friendship became weak

Saying "I love you and I miss you" took hours at a time

A month goes by and hours of I love you turns to seconds of "Goodbye"

Moments went from please dont say bye to no, im trying not to cry

Silence creeped and all you could hear was nothing but a heartbeat...

The author's comments:

Sometimes the love between two people can be over powered by distance, love is a unique and powerful thing, but sometimes depending on the people it can fade away through the circumstance.

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