Lost then Found | Teen Ink

Lost then Found

March 19, 2015
By LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
LelaCrosby SILVER, Hazlehurst, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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as long as you believe in yourself and believe that God will help you get through anything you will succeed and have a great and happy life!!

Hide the pain hide the tears
               don’t let them see you
                they beat you they mock you
                 they tear you down

             you fake a smile you hide in the crowd
             then you relize that is what they want
             they want to see you cry
               they want to see you hurting
        they are the ones who take for the devil who try to
         hypnotize you into the fire and become like them they are like the devil himself

                 But you’re not gonna let them bring you down anymore
                 God is on your side and you are his soldier
                 so you stand tall and hold your head up high
                they can no longer tear you up
                  they can no longer make you cry
                 so now they can choose to be in the presence of evil or in the army of God

                         Show your smile
                        stand out of the crowd
                       they look up to you
                  they no longer taunt you
                         they no longer have the power of your soul

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