Insanity | Teen Ink


March 18, 2015
By LosingMyMind24 SILVER, Conyers, Georgia
LosingMyMind24 SILVER, Conyers, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” -Edgar Allen Poe

This world is overcome with insanity.
No one can push through this pandemic of our minds.
Can you even tell what you've become?
Is what you show the rest of the world even really true?
I can't tell what's right from wrong anymore.
What you want from the world will never come unless you take it.
I've tried to get my way but it's all led to disaster.
You can't do a thing, after all there is no possible way to change your fate.
You can see the people coming towards me now with the intent to harm.
I don't know what I've done wrong other than take what was mine.
I feel overcome with helplessness.
I can't let myself be taken away by cruel people.
The one chance I had, I wasted.
Now I am unable to move forward into my position.
They've come so close only to lose me.
I'm disappointed with how little they tried to find me.
Had they tried harder they would have seen the
Can I even survive this constant race to keep my sanity?
As if I even had any left after these ordeals I've gone through.
I want to heal from these wounds.
I want to feel something real.
I don't want to be forgotten like the rest who can't fight.
I've lost all notion of what the meaning to this is.
Lies won't hide the flaws I have, so I don't bother hiding them.
What other way is left for me but down.

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