Heroes | Teen Ink


March 19, 2015
By AEDTFI BRONZE, Nyack, New York
AEDTFI BRONZE, Nyack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains."

Close your eyes and fall into your imagination.                           The feel of falling into a cloud of comfort.                                    To expand to lands untold.


When I say 'Hero' what is the first thing you think?                      Do you think of Superman?


Do you think of those make­believe characters with stunning powers and breath­taking looks?
What if I told you that you were both wrong and right?                                                               Yes, they are "superheroes" they save the day from snarling demons and cunning villains.                                                    But what about the other heroes?                                              The one's who don't have powers or perfect looks?                                                            What about them?


The ones who save their friends from suicide?                            The ones who stay up until the break of dawn, calming their friend down after a massive break­down?                                                     The ones who can crack a smile out of the utterly depressed?                                          They are heroes too.

They are the best of all heros.                                                   The one who can comfort any child when they see the tears fall.                                           Their bright and beautiful smiles that can light even the darkest of rooms.                                                                                   Their soft and comforting words that can repair anyone's heart.


Why are they the ones you don't think of?
Close your eyes again, go ahead do it.
Now, when I say 'Hero' what do you think of now?                                                                 Do you see your best friend?                                                       Do you see the person who's stayed by your side all these years?                                        Do you finally see your true hero?


Heroes aren't always the ones who win.
They're the ones who lose sometimes.
But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They never give up.                                        That, that is what makes them true heroes.

The author's comments:

I've found out the hard way that even when we read these stories of dashing arrogant heroes who fall for the most least likely girl, that is not the usual story. While we can fall into these worlds of wonder and love, we must also cherish those around us. Our own world, our own story. Find those who are true to your heart, who make you laugh and grin. Find someone who will always be there for you, and BAM! That is your fairytale hero.

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