Mother Nature Sings | Teen Ink

Mother Nature Sings

March 27, 2015
By Kyle Barth BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Kyle Barth BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mother Nature Sings

Laying in an open field with my eyes loosely closed.
The sun beating down on my skin brings me blistering comfort.
As I lay, I begin to observe my surroundings.
All that my eyes can see for miles is beauty.
Everything is so full of life.
At this moment nothing could compare.
I take complete advantage of the side of the world that is good.
The natural side, with sprouting plants and the greenest of trees.
Everything coexists in perfect harmony.
The trees sing like a choir,
it truly is music to my ears.

The scenery is straight from a movie,
It is the best movie that I have ever seen.
Though it is more than a movie,
it is real.

It seems that most things we do are not real.
We fail to open our eyes and look around,
at the green trees and the blue sky.
The sun that watches over us provides us with warmth.

For once I will set my  focus on the earth,
Rather than the materials of the earth.
I reach my hand out to the alluring mother nature,
I invite her to grab it.
She would accept without hesitation.
I tell her to take me far away,
to show me all of the beauties that the earth holds.

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