Labels | Teen Ink


March 27, 2015
By TantiaFox SILVER, Halifax, Other
TantiaFox SILVER, Halifax, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Poetry sucks only to the ones that don't understand it."

Just because you have a mouth,

Doesn't mean you have to use it.

My mind lives in a world where

Ears listen in on disgusting

News about other

Innocent people.


It's not fair to keep

The hurt where no

One can reach it

To help the tears keep from

Running down hill away

From sight.


Judgement tells another story.

Laughter and finger pointing

Towards you

Is tragic.

Bombs blow up add grenades

Hit your soul, destroying it.


You always need to take

Cover from the enemy. 

Hiding your face

And yourself from what

Could possibly kill

Your dignity.


Trying to seek help

Is impossible.

The therapy,

The sessions

The on going hell,

Can't escape it.


Society always paints a 

Portrait of fake people

And fake lives.

Have you ever taken a

Look at different types

Of sizes except zero?


I'm afraid for my


To see where people take

Us into reality.

What will be next?

Being made fun of for beauty?


Every girl I know wants

To be thin,




And liked by others.





And stores make it a


Man down.


We want to be popular.

With the long hair,

Slim Body,

With carmel skin.


To be perfect.


No one is perfect.

Yes, society makes yours

Mind believe


But you need to stop

Climbing the mountain.


Drop your tools

And breathe.

Stop painting you

Fake picture and

Tear it down

With the rest.

Society needs to realize

It's not alll about

The size zero,


Other people.

It's all about you.


Look in the mirror.

Look at yourself.

Paint your own picture.

Take your favorite colors

and draw yourself.

Paint your life.


No one should be

Able to put a label

On you.

You need to push them

Away and take

Your own label.


Non of this should be a

War for you to handle.

You should be able to 

Carry your own weight

And not have someone else's

On your back.


From morning to night,

Your picture should not just

Hang on a wall,

It should travel the world. 

See new faces and

Meet new cultures.


No one should tell you

What to do.

Take your pride and stand up

In your trench.

Be a soldier.

Take the enemy out.


Once your finished,

Go to the place you call home.

Take a pretty frame.

Put your picture in and 

Hang it on your favorite wall.

Stand back and look.


What do you see?


Someone you fought hard

For and won.

Those tools and sweat you put

Into it, made your frame.

What we call, a mirror

The author's comments:

women, battles, war, conflict with women

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