Earth's Cruel Life | Teen Ink

Earth's Cruel Life

April 2, 2015
By DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sharpened Savanna grass shuffles.
See the movement hiding in the shadows.
Feel the intensity of shining metal.
Draw your breath…
You’re not alone.
The on-coming meal’s taste rings through two heads.
Powder withers in the wind, giving away it’s scent.
Blow out the air…
The bladed grass shivers to a mighty beast.
You have eyes for it’s feast,
This is your hunt, not his.
Steady the eye.
Expand your lungs…
The roar of tools echoes to the sun.
Animals surrender through the fields, wary.
The beast retreats into the narrowing, serrated grass.
Take in the sky…
The grass gives way to a presence,
Mind takes hold of one idea.
The almighty beast shows stillness.
The skyscraper admires the bloodshed it had caused.
Inhale, exhale…
Creeping closer, taste the humongous supper,
Smell the overwhelming powder,
Feel the earth, quaking to footsteps,
See the exponential power it grasps,
Hear the drones of the laughter and static as you creep closer.

The author's comments:

Free verse poem written in school.

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