A Beginning and End Collide | Teen Ink

A Beginning and End Collide

April 8, 2015
By Angela Coco BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Angela Coco BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

4 years, they said as you began high school,
4 years stuck in this boring school,
But then you blinked

4 months, they said as senior year was half over,
4 months to make every moment last,
But then you blinked

4 weeks, they said as we spent every waking moment with friends,
4 weeks to do everything on your high school bucket list,
But then you blinked

4 days, they said as you began packing your belongings,
4 days till the dreadful day you say goodbye to friends and family,
But then you blinked

4 hours, they said as you pulled up in front of your dorm building,
4 hours till you were on your own for months,
But then you blinked

4 years, they said as you began a new chapter of life,
4 years to make every moment of college matter

The author's comments:

I am finishing up my last few months at Barrington High School and have many emoitons running through my veins. I am excited about beginning a new chapter of life at University of Illinois next year, but am simultaneously emotional about leaving my friends and family behind. 

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