Extinction -- species die down day by day | Teen Ink

Extinction -- species die down day by day

April 2, 2015
By kenz_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kenz_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the Andes, species pink, fluffy, giant. 
Fluttering around,
Up beyond blue skies
In the Andes, variety of threats.
minerals extract,
water diversion
In the Andes, human before bird.
minimize numbers,
tourists come first
In the Andes, work is serious.
mines, agriculture
flamingos suffer
In the Andes, resources run low.
no water, less food
In the Andes,  we struggled too long.
Day by day, no life.
We are out, Andes.

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