The Next Heir | Teen Ink

The Next Heir

April 15, 2015
By Mia203 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mia203 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The spring sun beats on my silky grey coat...
I run and play with my three siblings
We survive as the babies of the pack...
Soon our days of playing conclude--our lessons begin.

Eager to earn my place...
I watch diligently
Determined, dutiful, and disposed... 
This is my family, my job, my priority.

I am the strongest...
I am the proudest
I am the most determined...
I work for my family
To better my family.

The day I’ve yearned for...
What will be my job
I am the hunter...
Our strides in a synchronized beat--we run.

Tiring and trying years have passed...
The incessant labor rewarding--my time has come
I am the leader...
The legacy prospers for heirs.

I am the strongest...
I am the proudest
I am the most determined...
I work for my family
To better my family.

The author's comments:

A Loyal Companion...A Determined Leader--The Wolf

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