Can You Hear The Laughing Too? | Teen Ink

Can You Hear The Laughing Too?

April 15, 2015
By SkyWaters. BRONZE, Tullahoma, Tennessee
SkyWaters. BRONZE, Tullahoma, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you're at your worst."

The long halls paled and stiffened up as I traced my cracked fingertips across its bumpy surface. The beedy floressent lights winked and hollered annoying slurs at me like New York construction workers who didn't know a thing about respect. The misreable doors threw red face temper tantrums and begged the two face black'n white tiles to stop making fools of them selves, now fully aware why they let people like me step on them. It began to get louder then a mid-sweaty-summers circus, packed in tighter then the clown cars and bathed in arrogent ubnoxious laughter. The laughter, senical and bone chilling laughter that left your breath icy blue. I welded my eyes shut and pretended the laughter wasn't really there, but it broke threw my high cement walls. The hallways proved their strength when they knocked me back is if I were just a toddler. The foolish tiles jump up real quick and snatch me from the soft air. As the flirty lights gawked at what they had just witnessed, I started to fade into a dreamy luiced state, while the frightend doors were left gasping. All I could  hear before giving into the comforting darkness was the laughter still ringing in my busted ear drums and the late night nurse asking me why I'm laughing.

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