Song of the Six Million | Teen Ink

Song of the Six Million

April 14, 2015
By JohnnyPseudonym BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
JohnnyPseudonym BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not wait until people are dead to give them flowers"

German Voices scream out loud,
Gunshots fire.
Piles of dead and dying
Grow higher.
This is a song of genocide,
This ballad talks of death.
This is a song of six million.

Children have no mothers
On whom to cling.
Mothers have no children
With whom to sing.
Theirs was a song of weeping,
This verse their cries preserves.
This is a song of six million.

Branded-no blue eyes,
Blond hair.
Stripped of pride, no
Clothes to wear.
A choir of  “Deutschland uber alles!”
Smothers massive graves.
This is a song of six million.

Six million dead, the rest
Are blind.
They have left their
Sight behind.
But who, now, cannot see-who can be deaf
To the ageless, eternal music?
To the Song of the Six Million...

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