Treasure | Teen Ink


April 20, 2015
By CherokeeYee BRONZE, Xxxxx, Wisconsin
CherokeeYee BRONZE, Xxxxx, Wisconsin
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 There are many places where you can walk your dog, have a picnic, walk trails, have grill-outs, or spend time with friends or family.  But, there is one place located in Waukesha County called Nashotah Park.  Nashotah Park is much bigger than one would think. You can go from walking the few trails,  to the big dog park where you can let your dog run free in a fenced enclosure.  Come and have a grill out, or a picnic with the family.   Old man winter cannot stop this park, for when the snow comes falling, feel free to stop by the sledding hill, or grab your skis and hit the trails.
From when I was young and little, and still to this day, I enjoy walking the trails.  It is a very neat experience every time seeing all the wildlife there.  Sometimes I enjoy taking my huskies along.  Nashotah Park has trails, with different lengths, traveling throughout the park.  Some pass through wide open fields, others pass by lakes, with piers to go out on the lake.  Or, you can head out into the woods on a dirt and woodchip path.
As you come through the drive-in entrance, you can see the dog parks right away.  There are two separate dog parts; one for little dogs, and one for big dogs.  Or if you go up further, stop by the picnic areas, where there are tables and grills available to use.
There are many things you can do at Nashotah park.  Bring friends, family, or just head in by yourself.  Nashotah Park has been with my family all my life, and it can be a part of yours too.

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