Never Leaving | Teen Ink

Never Leaving

April 24, 2015
By ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's absolutely no one in the world that can tell you can't do something. You're the only person that can set that limitation." -Andrew Dennis Biersack

I am the drug

in your blood stream.

I am the voice

inside your head.


I am the handprint

on your soul.

I am the spot

still there on your heart.


I am the nightmare

you will have every night.

I am the wound

inside your chest.


I am the memory

you will never forget.

I am engraved inside

your memory so I will never leave.


You cannot escape me

because I am everywhere.

I am always watching

your every movement.


You thought you have forgotten me,

but your memory and body didn't.

Deep down you regret your decision

and I regret mine.


As time moves forward,

we slowly grow to be strangers.

I'll let you know this, but

it's harder than you know.


Lastly, I am still

in love with you.

It's like the samething

is happening to me too.

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