A smile | Teen Ink

A smile

April 29, 2015
By AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

You are the breath that I take
The wind that blows
The star at night that shines so bright
A full moon on a clear night
You are perfect in every way
You are like the perfect summers day
You are the sun shining down
You are the crystals in a cave
Being discovered
Being a secret
The sound that the wind makes
You are the voice in my head
You are the words never said
You are the happiness that shows
You are the light that shines in the dark
You are a perfect snowflake falling down
You are the thoughts that go thorough my head
A memory waiting to be let out
A kiss waiting to be received
You are you
A smile in my life
You are my dreams
My life
My love
My best friend
You are what matters
You are Amazing
No words can describe you
You are you.

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