This is me honest | Teen Ink

This is me honest

April 29, 2015
By AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

You are my happiness
My smile
My laugh
The reason I get out of bed in the morning
The reason I smile
The sunny days
You are the sunlight hitting the ground
Bouncing off and reflecting off of the pool of water right beside it
When I am asked what my definition of happiness is I say you
You are amazing
I love you with every part of my heart
If I didn’t have you I would never have started caring about anyone
You are the reason for me to laugh
My happiness grows every time I see you
Fades when you’re not around
I hope to never lose you
I want to hold on to this feeling forever
The way you make me feel everyday
Like I matter
I’ve never experienced this before
To you I am truly worthy
This is real
I was scared one day when I felt care towards someone special they would push me away
You don’t push me away you draw me closer
I never actually believed that this would ever happen to me
Then you came into my life and I don’t regret any of it
I will never be able to put even half of how I feel into words.

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