Wandering on a Rainy Day | Teen Ink

Wandering on a Rainy Day

May 1, 2015
By ReeceKneissler BRONZE, Fryeburg, Maine
ReeceKneissler BRONZE, Fryeburg, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time"-Mark Twain

A dreary wander to drown my woes,

submerged in thought, heedless, as I begin to doze,
the water drips from trees above, suffocating the ground,
on a dull and damp day, solitude knows no bounds.

A blanket of clouds overcast the sky,
an absence of light can make spirits dry,
the wind cries, clouds weep,
darkness crowds the forest, every sound makes me creep,

As I continue to roam,
venturing farther from my home,
I can’t help but grin and cackle,
letting loose lethargic shackles,

I head back to where I have strayed,
jubilation filling me,
it is clear nature is happiness’s biggest aid

The author's comments:

It's currently spring and it's very rainy. This is a poem about wandering when its a dull and damp day and the upsides of that.

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