The Other Side | Teen Ink

The Other Side

May 13, 2015
By krzoucha BRONZE, Albion, Nebraska
krzoucha BRONZE, Albion, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a morning bird,
She is a night owl.
I can wake up at at dawn and be ready for anything,
She wakes up at noon and stays to see the sun rise again.
I can last only going on a few hours of sleep,
She can sleep all morning and stay up all night.
I am wide awake while eating breakfast,
She is groggy until lunch.
I love being at home,
She dreads coming back to this small town.
I borrow and return,
She steals without asking.
I like when my life is in place,
She loves when her's is out of order.
I am proper,
She burps in public.
I never swear,
But she has the mouth of a sailor.
I love books,
But she prefers to watch the movie.
I like coming to school,
But she must motivate herself to be there.
Grades are important,
She could care less.
I know where I want my life to go,
She has no clue.
I follow the rules,
She ignores them.
I do what I want,
She does what she's told.
She likes feeling secure,
I'd rather be free.
I am her,
And she is me.

The author's comments:

This is an evil twin assignment.  

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