What ever happened? | Teen Ink

What ever happened?

May 17, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

What ever happened to the life you yearned?
pent up, locked away, hopes broke n’ spurned.


What ever happened to the dreams you had?
biding time, crossing fingers, driving yourself mad.


What ever happened to your firery romance?
i tried he said, swept away, victim of circumstance.


What ever happened to the times you seized?
crept away, before my eyes, time won’t be appeased.



And what ever happened to the man you once would be?
he said: life breaks all. though always enthralled, leaves him drunk on a dream that will never be.

The author's comments:

For all the dreamers: You're not alone.

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