Halloween | Teen Ink


May 18, 2015
By FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
FairestOneOfAll SILVER, Houma, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

A breath of fresh air fills my lungs.
For it is the time of year,
Where the wind turns crisp.
People surround me dressed in costumes.
The time of year where,
Your teeth rot from candy.

Swirling dresses and hideous masks.
The one time of year,
Where we can pretend to be someone else.
Let it be a dazzling princess,
Or a terrifying vampire.
Our voices mingled together.
Cries of the cheerful words "Trick or Treat".
Parents huddle together, children running wildly.

Screams of pure delight fill my ears.
A kind of fearful pleasure comes with this holiday.
The candy that fills your mouth,
Would make your dentist upset.

We smile when they try to bundle us up.
We watch as others pass,
And complement there disguise.
The scent of pumpkins swirls around us.
For it is Halloween!

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