The Color of Hunger | Teen Ink

The Color of Hunger

June 3, 2015
By thelittlegingerthatcould SILVER, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
thelittlegingerthatcould SILVER, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope is one of the most dangerous things in the world, but also one of the most comforting.

The color of hunger paints with a broad brush
It manifests itself in the sunken ribs of a child
It teases in the hollow eyes of its victims
It smirks at its casualties


The color of hunger splatters like a Pollock
A dab in the call of a voice, desperate for food
A smear in the beaten down tones of those who eat on a day by day basis


The color of hunger wisps into the air with delicate strokes
It embellishes a cardboard sign, held by someone in need
It adds years to the face of a homeless man
It creates sharp edges where smooth flesh should be


The color of hunger attacks the young, the poor, the innocent
The color of hunger strikes to kill
And it will, if we let it


The color of hunger trembles at turpentine
Faced with opposition, it cowers and begs for its life
The color of hunger is a monster
We need to prepare for battle

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