Grandma's Reasons to Brag | Teen Ink

Grandma's Reasons to Brag

June 1, 2015
By Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayleen.Woodcock15 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life like Emma Dalton.

Six of us with one on the way, all of us
oved equally, even if it feels like it
isn’t equal at times.

Courtney, the oldest granddaughter, graduated
from high school, don’t see her as much
anymore, yet, we still know she’s always there for us.

Kayleen, or me, second oldest granddaughter, trusted
by others, always asked to help with problems,
or even needed to visit just to help out.

Cole, the oldest grandson, who is trusted
by all of the cousin, especially the younger

Alexa, the youngest granddaughter, always coming
to the older grandchildren for help, not just for boys,
but for school and drama.

Isaac, the second oldest grandson, the shy one, does
not talk to anybody except family and friends, needs us
more than anybody else needs us.

Eli, youngest grandchild, scared for the little baby to
come and join this family, he needs attention, needs
us to play with him. He needs to know we will always love him.

The baby, they don’t have a name for you
yet, but when they do it will be perfect. You will
be perfect and will fit in perfectly.

This family wouldn’t be a family if we didn’t have all of
us in it. All of the grandchildren that need a
reassuring that we are loved no matter what.

We are all the reason we are a family. Without
each and every one of us we wouldn’t
be complete.

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