never be | Teen Ink

never be

June 1, 2015
By penny_lane BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
penny_lane BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The river runs racing the clouds. The birds lay in their nests comforting their young. Leaves jump from their branches and laugh as they zoom down to the moist ground. A flower blooms in the dense forest. Beautiful explosions of colors, smells you could never imagine, beauty you could never mimick. And in the middle of all this is a girl. But she will never experience the beauty because the device steals her hands so that she may never feel the flowers soft petals. And her device distracts her eyes so that she may never see. The device anchors her soul so that she may never be free. Beauty cries for her, beauty longs for her. But unless she frees herself, this will never be.

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