Forgotten Memories | Teen Ink

Forgotten Memories

June 1, 2015
By nmonroy SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
nmonroy SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

Take me back to the days of sunflower dresses
and the taste of sweet raisins. 
When Spring and Summer were sisters,
when my sister and I were younger.

Take me back to the humming and the whispers.
I can still hear my grandmother's delicate lullaby ---
     drifting away to a part of the memories I have little control over.
Because for every new memory I make, one from a younger age vanishes.
It won't dissipate into thin air,
but it will not have an anchor on which to remain grounded.
Floating without a victim, maybe the bad one's will slip away too,
maybe we need the bad one's as our own personal anchors.
So call me a shipwreck with no memory of collision.

I don’t remember your 5 a.m. phone calls to foreign countries.
Your decision to make this country your home,
hoping to make this new home as memorable as the one you left behind.
With no remembrance of mom having to work two jobs,
when she had no one to translate her broken English,
falling steadily
her memories were victories.

And victories should be remembered.
So let me hold onto the memory of your sacrifice.
The anchor that will always
bring me back
to you.

The author's comments:

A poem about remembering both the good and the bad. We have to recognize that others have gone through a lot to get to where they are now; remembering my parent's sacrifices is just a part of that. 

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