Element Of Excellence | Teen Ink

Element Of Excellence

June 24, 2015
By Harini Rajan BRONZE, San Ramon, California
Harini Rajan BRONZE, San Ramon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mile wide smiles brim with joy, humility and humanity.
Luck is worthless here, for you do not need to find a tunnel
to reach the light at the end; there are many waiting to reveal it,
whenever one avows diligence and decorum.
A culture of acceptance and reflection blossoms with a mild, sweet fragrance,
tailored to self-evolve and support its disciples with its petals.
Although divided in various bands of interest, age, and nationalities,
we share common roots and common faith:
a crew of courage to face the world,
an interfaith of knowledge to develop the universe.

The envelope of mountains protect from vices:
love and warmth in bold on every stamp, certifying a smooth odyssey.
The plucky pine trees write my story;
pausing from time to time to admire their handiwork and bristle about mistakes I make.
Petite hummingbirds chirp with pleasure for the tale,
ignoring the stumbles for they care purely about the windup
and slyly slip in visionary phrases of their own.
Waterfalls read my story to the world, in their passionate cry and unbridled glory.

Inspiration flickers in the young mornings and in the versed nights,
revealing itself to awe, lingering to inspirit.
Righteousness flourishes, enfranchised from greed
Cultivation excels here, pleasing both seeds and the water that nourishes them
The seeds boast of opportunity, not one chance or two: but a dozen and some more.
Mother Nature sings loudly and unceasingly, with pride and affluence
playing the wind, her delicate hands strumming the tendrils of the breeze,
singing a song like no other,
one that enchants, excites and moves the trees and their seeds
to grow gracefully with mettle, virtue and prowess
-a song that reminds me of the element of excellence down home.

The author's comments:

I wrote this pieve in appreciation of my hometown because I was sick of everyone deriding it for being boring.

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