All I Need Is Me | Teen Ink

All I Need Is Me

June 27, 2015
By kjspink3 GOLD, Idyllwild,
kjspink3 GOLD, Idyllwild,
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" - Mark Twain

I feel so alive.
I feel like my muscles are on fire and all I can do to put the fire out is run,
Run as fast as I can,
And keep running until I can't anymore,
So I do.
I run and it feels so spontaneous and empowering.

The trees and the sky and the pavement are all chasing me.
They're trying to catch up with me,
But they never will.
They will never catch me,
because I am on fire.

I never thought I would feel this fire in my heart again.
After he decided to fall out of love with me.
I never thought anything except love could make me feel this fire,
But it's possible.
I can make my own fire,
I can make my own happiness,
All I need is me.

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